Omniloth Network

Miscellaneous NWN files

Lola - NWN launching utlity. Captures logs, parses into HTML, switches overrides on a server-by-server basis. Requires .NET Framework.

More bass to the ding baby - Now your sub-woofer will actually do something when you level up. Need 7-ZIP to extract.

Transparent level-up button - this nifty override will add tranparency to the level-up button so that while a level-up is available, you can still see how much experience you have.

Red magic Missiles - throw this in your override to change your magic missile colour.

Pink Magic Missiles - throw this in your override to change your magic missile colour.
- Screenies: 1 2

Green Fog Override - throw this in your override to change the colour of your swirly fog (multiplayer).

Purple Fog Override - throw this in your override to change the colour of your swirly fog (multiplayer).

Party invite GUI override - throw this in your override folder to eliminate the checkbox for 'Never show this again' when getting a party invitation.